I have a weird situation with a business rule set to trigger on Follow Up (Date-Time / Simple / Date Only / User Local) *less than* Modified On (only difference is that it's formatted to display Date and Time) that is triggering BEFORE follow up.
In the example below, with an 11/30/16 follow up, it triggers on 11/29/16. But when we move follow up out to 12/1/16, no trigger.
Even though the client/servers are on same LAN/subnet/timezone, it's as if they are on different time zones.
I noted the variance between one field displaying Date and the other Date/Time but still, the field displaying Date only should contain time of 12am by default. And 4:44pm on 11/29 is still < 12am on 11/30, right?
What am I missing that we're seeing these apparent false positives?
Thank you in advance for any input
BTW: does anyone know if there is a system field to track/display *current* time? I'm using a kludge with Modified On but would like to be able to check for current actual time, using some OOB functionality, if any exists. I'm thinking I may have to create a new date/time field, then use JS on every entity to obtain this info but there has to be a better way!