I've an issue since this morning i can't figure out ...
On my test system, it's possible to search for a contact by the FullName as usual.
On my production system, i got complains from my users because the search using the fullname was returning 0 results.
So i dig a bit to find out why, i've check the quickfind view, compared it with the same one on the Test system => Match perfect.
I checked the XHR request to find out and here we go the filter doesn't contains the condition based on the fullname:
<div id="effectiveFetchXml" requiredMask="2"> <fetch distinct="false" no-lock="false" mapping="logical" page="1" count="250" returntotalrecordcount="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="parentcustomerid" /> <attribute name="statecode" /> <attribute name="lastname" /> <attribute name="jobtitle" /> <attribute name="firstname" /> <attribute name="emailaddress1" /> <attribute name="be_country" /> <attribute name="telephone1" /> <attribute name="be_businessfunction" /> <attribute name="be_hierarchylevel" /> <attribute name="contactid" /> <attribute name="processid" /> <attribute name="lastname" /> <attribute name="firstname" /> <attribute name="parentcustomerid" /> <attribute name="jobtitle" /> <attribute name="be_businessfunction" /> <attribute name="be_hierarchylevel" /> <attribute name="telephone1" /> <attribute name="emailaddress1" /> <attribute name="be_country" /> <attribute name="statecode" /> <filter type="and"> <filter type="or" isquickfindfields="true"> <condition attribute="owneridname" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> <condition attribute="lastname" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> <condition attribute="jobtitle" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> <condition attribute="firstname" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> <condition attribute="emailaddress1" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> <condition attribute="parentcustomeridname" operator="like" value="my contactname%" /> </filter> </filter> <order attribute="lastname" descending="false" /> <link-entity name="account" to="parentcustomerid" from="accountid" link-type="outer" alias="a_dc9b80f8c78146d89fd6a3b610836975"> <attribute name="statecode" /> <attribute name="be_industrysegment" /> <attribute name="be_industry" /> </link-entity> <link-entity name="workflow" to="processid" from="workflowid" link-type="outer" alias="processidworkflowworkflowid"> <attribute name="versionnumber" /> </link-entity> </entity> </fetch> </div>
I dont why this condition disapeared and to be honest i don't exactly know how to get it back.
Any ideas ?