Hi all. Can someone give me a clear clarification about email tracking when using server-side synchronisation. We have set the settings for "process email using" to server-side synchronisation. Incoming and outgoing email and appointments, contacts and tasks are also chosen server-side as sync method. With these settings, does it mean that every incoming email will be tracked from users outlook to CRM? Or can user choose manually what incoming emails he/she wants to be tracked?
I have the belief, that when you choose server-side sync as synch method for incoming emails, you cannot decide certain emails to be tracked, and it will sync all emails automatically, is this the case?
And if all emails will be tracked from Outlook to CRM, what is the benefit for using Dynamics CRM App For Outlook if all emails will be tracked automatically to CRM. Or do I need then switch the incoming email synchronisation from server-side sync to some other option?