For some reason I am getting duplicate subjects. We assign a subject to every case to help group them. When creating a new case or editing an existing one, you click on the subject lookup and select one of the 21 subjects we have created. For efficiency, our receptionist has mastered the art of using the keyboard... tabbing through fields and typing in the values (or portions of) and moving on. However, when you type in the subject and then tab to the next field it doesn't resolve. To make matters worse, you click on the unresolved value to fix and get dozens of the same record. If I go to the subject entity in settings area, all looks normal (21 values). I have wasted many hours trying to figure this out and so has our partner but we have gotten nowhere. Today, I noticed that when looking at case view and trying to use the filter option I have the same issue. If you use the custom filter to say subject equals and then click the lookup button to select the subject value it shows 260 values (hundreds of duplicates) instead of the 21 that should be there. Any thoughts?