A long time ago, a project I worked on had an ADX intranet site based on the intranet template, probably in ADX 5.something.
A project I'm working on how has a similar requirement. It would be very useful if there was an internal ADX portal that had integrated 'pass through' authentication.
A couple of benefits from this - an audit trail - changes staff make in CRM (through the portal) are made using their own AD account - ie they create a case in the portal, they update a case in the portal, the created by and modified by in CRM is set to their AD account, not the ADX service account.
Other benefits I accept you'd get from federated - single sign on etc.
Is anybody doing this?
I had a go at configuring a portal for windows authenticated login but failed. Got quite a way in but ended up getting object reference not set to an instance of an object errors from identity DLLs. Not much I could do about that.
Has that boat sailed? Is there no chance of getting a modern portal set up as an intranet with integrated authentication?