Hi All,
We have recently deployed Dynamics CRM 2016 in the cloud and have moved it into production. I manage a global team of about 6 Support Engineers doing a volume of about 10 cases per day.
I have had a difficult time finding a way to track how much time an Engineer spends on an email, phone, call, or task and then tallying that time to show the 'time to resolve' a case.
The only clear location I have found to enter the amount of time an Engineer spent working a case is during the 'Resolution' action when you can enter your 'total time' spent. But, I cannot find a way to report on this value.
Are there any recommendations on how to track time and report on it in Dynamics CRM 2016? I have spent a lot of time on the forums and msdn, but found not simple or elegant solution.
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank You,
Matt M.--------