I am hoping that someone knows of or can make a very quick and basic step by step tutorial with complete source code that shows:
A Sample/Basic C# Web Service Compatible with Cross-Domain requests from JavaScript code on a CRM form
The corresponding Sample/Basic JavaScript Code that goes on the CRM form to call, pass parameters to, and receive data back from the Web Service.
I have been unable to find a complete tutorial anywhere that addresses this specific issue.
The tutorial shown here would be perfect exactly as written if only its focus was making a cross domain compatible web service along with client side JavaScript without using a proxy web reference since the proxy isn’t possible via CRM front end JavaScript code that’s accessing a web service cross-domain. -- http://www.tutorialspoint.com/asp.net/asp.net_web_services.htm
The two attempts to touch the topic via the links below are not complete and neither actually shows or provides a step by step tutorial to create the cross-domain Web Service they are using.
Just a simple basic step by step for creating a complete and functional cross domain web service is all I need, with fake data that is hardcoded…and all the JavaScript needs to do it pass it one parameter and then display the result that comes back in an alert. Basic like that is great, I just need something to help get me started…
I can make non-cross domain web services all day long… and I can make C# web forms that access them via proxy reference essentially enabling cross-domain access, but that doesn’t help me at all with this specific issue.
If anyone can point me to such a tutorial or even make one, that would be a miracle.