Hi - Can you please help with an error I am getting in the Interactive Service Hub.
Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Created a new enquiry in Interactive Service Hub
2. Added a new phone call task in the timeline
3. Selected an existing contact in the 'Call To' field
4. Saved the phone call task and close enquiry
5. Re-opened the enquiry and clicked on the phone call task that I just created (in the timeline)
6. Clicked on the contact name in the 'Call To' field
7. This opened the customer's contact record form, but I received the error 'There was an error with this field's customized event'. Once the error appears, I cannot get rid of it, and cannot move to any other screens. Even when I log out and log back in to the system, I keep getting directed straight to this record with the error. The only way I can get around this is either open in incognito, or open the ISH in a completely new browser. I can reproduce this error in Chrome, Mozilla and IE.
Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks