Hi all,
We are a small company of six people. We all have got Office 365 E3 licences with the plug-in CRM Online licences. Next week our migration from josted CRM 2011 to CRM 2016 Online goes live.
In CRM 2016 our usernames are displayed as <Fistname Middlename Lastname> (e.c. "Eric van der Wilden"). My name is displayed differently, as <Middlename Lastnane, Firstname> ("van der Meer, Frank"). I can't explain why my name is displayed in a different format. I took my licence months earlier than the others and I am administrator.
I would be happyest if our usernames would be displayed as <Firstname> only, our six firstnames are all unique. That would be handier in Exceldumps also. Alternatively it would be fine if my name would, as the other five, be displayed as Firstname Middlename Lastname.
I found out that I should be able to handle that in Azure Active Directory and/or the Office 365 Admin Center, I set our displaynames to first name only, and that works in the userlist, but I don't see any changes in the way the names are displayed in CRM (and in Sharepoint and Office, for that matter).
Does anyone know what I should do? Thanks!