I am trying to create a workflow which basically updates the conatct entity once the contacts name has been selected on another entity through a lookup field.
I have a custom entity called Vehicle, when filling in the vehicle form the user will use a lookup and select a contact record.
I have a field called 'vehicle check' on the contact form, what I would like the workflow to do is whenever the contact name is selected using the lookup field on the Vehicle form I want the 'vehicle check' field on the contact form to automatically change to 'Done'.
The way I have set the workflow up so far although it does not work is with the vehicle entity being the primary one which i have selected on the first page when creating the workflow then my condition is:
if the Vehicle (Contact):Full Name contains data, then (this line is referencing the Vehicle entity)
Update: Main (Contact)(I have ticked the 'Done' option against the vehicle check field) This line is referencing the contact entity)
I am new to workflows so any direction you could give would be appreciated.
Thank you