Dear all,
In my CRM I have tons of information like Oportunities, quotes, order, invoices,etc.
What I am struglong today is our to use dashboard efficiently with those data and which dashboard suites best to control my activities with précisions.
So far I have default CRM dashboard which gets display on home page but have no damned idea how to gets real information out of it. I can see for instance the Pipe in of opportunity which is not really relevant because sometime we build an opportunity but we know the project would be a cold projet so how to make those difference.
My goal would be to analyse the follwowing for instance :
- Possible income based on qualified opportunity
- Pecentage of won quote compare to lost or cancel quote which will give us an idea how we are able to win a quote ratio
- Total paied, pending, invoice
How can I build those dash board.
Which type of dashboard are you using for your own ?
please notre that we are a small company so structure is really simple