The Address1_Composite doesn't display addresses exactly how I need them, and as I was using the field on quick-view forms for other entities, so I was keen to fix it.
So I used an update plug-in to re-write the value of the Address1_Composite and was pleasantly surprised when I checked the results in SQL to see the Contact view Address1_Composite was being held exactly as I had written it in my Plug-In.
However, my excitement was short-lived when I went to another form showing the quick-view Address1_Composite to see it displaying in its original format.
This appears to suggest that the Address1_Composite is programmatically reconstructed before viewing from its constituent parts rather than the Address1_Composite field in the CustomerAddressBase table.
This has come as a surprise, and makes me wonder why MS are storing the Address1_Composite in the first place. But more importantly does anybody know how I get control of the Address1_Composite and how it is constructed before display?