We are running Dynamics CRM 2015.
I am following this article : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn949332.aspx
I am stuck at point no. 3 under "Prepare Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server for Server-based integration". I get the following error:
PS C:\program files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\tools> .\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 -certificateFile "c:\Thawte Wildcard.pfx" -password xxxxxx -updateCrm -certificateType
S2STokenIssuer -serviceAccount abc\CRMAsynchservice -StoreFindType FindBySubjectDistinguishedName
C:\program files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\tools\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 : A parameter cannot be found that
matches parameter name 'StoreFindType'.
At line:1 char:243
+ ... t\CRMAsynchSrv -StoreFindType FindBySubjectDistinguishedName
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [CertificateReconfiguration.ps1], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,CertificateReconfiguration.ps1
The certificate (which was replaced yesterday) is a Public Trusted SSL Wildcard certificate and is already installed on the CRM 2015 server and the CRMSyncService has permissions to the Certificate.
Additional observations: Certificate with root and intermediate certificates have been imported into the personal Certificate store on the CRM server. Since new certificate was installed, when working from a client PC, Customizers cannot edit forms, but can edit Views! However if logged in on the CRM server with administrator account - then forms can be customised. I am not sure if this is linked to the certificate change? Is there a trust issue?