We are implementing a conversion to CRM Online 2016 from another SQL Server based CRM system and I'm beginning to try and migrate the reports. I understand that to use SSRS, we need to use FetchXML to get the data out of the system. I've been able to implement a couple of very simple reports this way, importing the rdl back into CRM to put on the reports menu, but am having an issue with a more complicated one.
The idea for this one (at least this part of it) is to look at phone call records, comparing the count of inbound to the count of outboud and getting a percentage (In/Out) by user. There is much more to the whole report, but this is the piece I've started with.
The FetchXML is straightfoward for each side: (this is outbound, and is slightly modified to have the parameter)
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" aggregate="true"> <entity name="phonecall"> <attribute name="ws_legacyownerid" alias="User" groupby="true" /> <attribute name="actualend" alias="CallDate" aggregate="max" /> <attribute name="subject" alias="PhoneCallCount" aggregate="countcolumn" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="directioncode" operator="eq" value="1" /> <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="1" /> <condition attribute="actualstart" operator="not-null" /> <condition attribute="actualend" operator="not-null" /> <condition attribute="actualend" operator="ge" value="@sDate" /> <condition attribute="ws_legacyownerid" operator="not-null" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch>
Inbound is the same query, but directioncode = 0
I then bring these into SSRS as shared datasets. I have the outbound side as the main query and do a Lookup to the inbound record (if it exists). @sDate is a report parameter that is also a query parameter to get the starting date to being with.
The report works fine in Preview, but when I deploy and try to import the rdl into CRM, I get this error:
Is this because of the lookup and/or date parameter in the report?
Thanks in advance.