Dear all,
we have following problem with our CRM:
When an user creates a new Record and he set Actual End date then the Status Reason of the record is automatically (after some time) set to Complete. When is this set the user cannot edit the record anymore. This usually happens about 15 minutes after the Actual End field is set and the Record is saved.
Sometimes it happens that the user is still writing the Record Description when the Record is locked. Then the user has to create a new Record and deactivate the old one. In the words cases user loses part of the Description test.
We have similar problems with other Activities, especially Tasks.
We use the Exchange synchronization for Activities and when the synchronization is switched of then this problem does not appear. So in my opinion there is a problem with synchronization but I have no idea how to solve it.
Could you please provide some advice in this matter?
Thank you