Within the Helpdesk on the portal I need to be able to allow contacts to access cases for specific accounts other than just their own parent account.
Now I can't seem to find a way to do this, so my next option was to create a many-to-many relationship between case and contact (maintained via plugins) and link the contact to the relevant cases in this way.
I can't seem to find a way of using the defined M:M CRM relationship in the entity permission records though. is this possible?
Alternatively I tried creating a custom entity containing lookups to Case & Contact (essentially mimicking the M:M relationship described above which would also be maintained using plugins).
I then created 2 entity permission records - the parent one on this new entity linking from the contact.
The child one defined against the case entity using the parent permission.
I thought this would allow the contact to see any case records defined in the new custom entity but again this hasn't worked.
Is there some way to get this working using Entity permissions?
Essentially what I am trying to achieve is...
Contact Joe Bloggs has Account A as his parent account (the out-of-the-box entity permission allows him to correctly see all cases for this account).
But I need to be able to define that he also sees cases for accounts B and C.
It doesn't matter if I have to do some work in plugins to link the contact to the relevant cases to get it to work, as long as I can satisfy the requirement.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.