Environment: CRM 2013 and up, VS2013. Existing C# build solution (xxxx.Crm.BuildUtilities). Inherited from vendor no longer available. :(
The existing .NET solution includes a file which I believe was automatically generated, but I do not know how/what was used to generate the file (I am hoping it was automatically generated rather than manually created). The file is named WebResourceConfig.json. It contains information for every Web Resource in the CRM Solution. Each item includes the following three attributes: 1) FilePath (location of image/script file), 2) Id (GUID), and 3) Name. Example shown below. The file is used in the build process to update web resources in the CRM solution.
MY QUESTION: Any idea what tool may have been used to read CRM Solution's web resources and output the json file? THANKS!
"FilePath": "Localization/1046.js",
"Id": "3a426b91-220f-e211-861e-bc305bdc7999",
"Name": "xx_/Localization/1046.js"