I have a customer for whom I implemented ADFS 3.0 SSO. CRM is 2013 with latest SP. The iDP is an internal ADFS 2.0 that is the claims provider trust. The relying party trusts are in place for CRM and IFD. Browser SSO and Outlook 2013 SSO are functional, as is IFD for iPad access.
The customer wishes to decommission ADFS 2.0 on-premises and replace with SecureAuth SAML 2.0 solution. I have determined that a new CPT trust configured as SAML 2.0 is supported (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/crminthefield/2016/03/03/dynamics-crm-integration-with-siteminder-via-adfs/). However, there seems to be no documentation on using SAML 2.0 in the HomeRealmUrl registry key (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg188615.aspx) - "Enter the value data of the federated AD FS. This URL will end in /adfs/services/trust/mex". The metadata I was provided is in the form https://secureauth.contoso.com/SecureAuth25.
Does anyone have any experience or insight on Outlook 2013 plug-in support for SAML 2.0 in this scenario, or is the plug-in only supporting WS-Federation (SAML 1.1)?
Thanks in advance,