I have been writing a plugin which reads a record, does a bit of weird stuff and comes up with a 'result'. I'm using a postimage for the plugin.
The field I am trying to update is new_apacs18 text field multiline
Dim context AsIPluginExecutionContext =
DirectCast(serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(IPluginExecutionContext)), IPluginExecutionContext)
If context.PostEntityImages.Contains("PostTransSetInserted") AndAlsoTypeOf context.PostEntityImages("PostTransSetInserted") IsEntityThen
Dim PostTransSetInserted AsEntity = DirectCast(context.PostEntityImages("PostTransSetInserted"), Entity)
when I try PostTransSetInserted.Attributes("new_apacs18file") =" some result" the plugin compiles ok but nothing gets posted back to the crm field.
any suggestions on where I am going wrong or a good tutorial to look at