I could use some help with the following.
I have a need to set up a many to many relationship for Accounts and Contacts.
I have created a new enitity for this where it is possible to create multiple relationships between Contacts and Accounts.
The problem i am facing is for example in an opportunity, when I want to enable users to select contacts based on related records > accounts.
The relation between the contact and the account is kept in this special entity, so adding these fields on the opportunity form is not a problem. What is a problem though is when the user clicks on the contact hyperlink, he expects to be taken to the contact record in the contact entity, but instead he is taken to the entity where the relation is kept between contacts and accounts. This is not very user friendly. I can imagine that this is not an uncommon client requests, so I hope people can share their experience and possibly solutions to this not so nice configuration in CRM.
Thanks much,