Hi there,
I'm used to connecting to a CRM Online instance with a unique orgID, however I now need to connect to an on-premise instance of Dynamics CRM and it gives me an error saying:
"Unable to connect to data source 'Test'.The connection to server "crm.mycompanyname.co.za/.../Organization.svc" could not be established. Make sure that the connection string and credentials are correct, and try again."
I am confident that my credentials are correct, and when I connect to the URL https://crm.mycompanyname.co.za I can login to Dynamics CRM just fine.
Having checked the Developer Resources, I see the following:
- Instance Reference Information shows a long alphanumeric ID and then a unique name of just "CRM"
- Service Root URL is crm.mycompanyname.co.za/.../v8.1
I've reviewed all the other articles and tried a myriad of different connection strings, but I get the feeling these connection strings are all for CRM Online. Is there a different method for connecting to CRM on premises?
My version of CRM is Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2016 ( (DB
I'm at my wits end, struggling to connect to this instance - any help is appreciated.