I have question about the best practice on the CRM Online (version I am using)
I have UAT and PROD org/online instances on both I see just one default solution published (managed); I don't have any dev environment setup, I will never have one probably. Our vendor has decided not to work with us and just gave us latest Unmanaged.zip and managed.zip and left us;
Now I have to make changes to one entity, add new fields, another one was modify the data type from text to date. What is the best way to proceed for me?
Which of the follow you recommend?
- Add new the new field (Unmanaged.zip) and add to the layout by removing the existing one and do the same to PROD without the help of solutions; (all manual and no solutions involved; may be not the best practice?)
- Import the Unmanaged.zip on a trial instance (if I setup a free trial since I have no Dev) and make the changes and then export as ‘MANAGED’ and deploy/overwrite on the existing default solution (same name)? (I will just see ONE SINGLE SOLUTION overwritten with all my changes)
- Do an incremental/delta as 'managedDelta.zip' on my trial version and deploy managedDelta.zip (incremental) to the UAT (in this case you will see two ‘managed’ solutions under the Solutions in both UAT and PROD)