Hello, I am trying to use the new Web Api to go from an Opportunity record, get the Owner of the Opportunity and from there get the name of that Owners VP (a custom lookup field). I am able to get the Owner's systemuser information with JavaScript and from there get the GUID of the Owner's VP (again this is a custom lookup field), but I am unable to grab the text value of the VP's name. The VP field is called dds_reporting_vp and in the response message in my JS it is called _dds_reporting_vp_value (guid returned).
When I use this URL I successfully get data
https://[My Orgs Info]/api/data/v8.1/systemusers(8BE2A922-D78F-E411-8795-F0921C194364)?$select=_dds_reporting_vp_value
{ "@odata.context":"box.crm.dynamics.com/.../v8.1$metadata#systemusers
"8be2a922-d78f-e411-8795-f0921c194364","ownerid":"8be2a922-d78f-e411-8795-f0921c194364" }
When I add an expand to try to get the fullname value:
https://[My Orgs URL]/api/data/v8.1/systemusers(8BE2A922-D78F-E411-8795-F0921C194364)
--I have also used systemuserid since it is a look back to that entity
Could not find a property named 'dds_reporting_vp' on type