I'm not certain if this is a similar issue to this https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/t/163681 but we have some sub grids that are being populated with dummy entities via plugins, so in effect, we call a RetrieveMultiple for the dummy entity which causes the a plugin to fire, the plugin code gets data from different sources, amalgamates it together, populates a list of the dummy entities, then returns this list.
The problem we are seeing is that when the sub grid is populated, there is no vertical scroll bar and also the paging options do not seem to be honoured.
So for instance, we have a grid set up to show 8 rows and to not automatically expand:
When this grid is actually populated, all 14 records are displayed on the first page, the paging control is disabled, and there is no vertical scroll bar:
As a work around, I can make the grid display 250 records and to automatically expand, as the grid is in a section that is closed by default this is not too bad, but as there are many sub grids on this form, and they could all contain many records, if a user wanted to view a couple of these at a time the form would look pretty bad, plus they may not even be able to due to the size of the grids.
We had a similar issue on 2013 which we worked around with some JavaScript but this is no longer possible on 2016 as we need this form to work both on premise and online.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar and does anyone have any ideas about this and whether there might be something else to try?