I've tried several methods, but there doesn't seem to be a lot documented. I've attempted to use:
new-crmrecord -entitylogicalname teammembership -fields @{ "systemuserid"="59c29998-dc13-e611-80e9-005056bb6a40" "teamid"="241028f4-9e7a-e611-80ed-005056bb6a40"} add-crmrecordassociation -CrmRecord1 5260d3ba-8e7a-e611-80ed-005056bb6a40 -crmrecord2 241028f4-9e7a-e611-80ed-005056bb6a40 -RelationshipName teammembership Add-CrmRecordAssociation -EntityLogicalName1 systemuser -Id1 "241028f4-9e7a-e611-80ed-005056bb6a40" -EntityLogicalName2 team -id2 "5260d3ba-8e7a-e611-80ed-005056bb6a40"
and none of these cmdlets are getting the job done. Just reaching errors telling me:
The 'Create' method does not support entities of type 'teammembership'.
Entity Relationship teammembership was not found in the metadata
Anyone have ideas on how to complete this task?