Hi all
I'm currently in the process of testing our customisations in 2016 Update 1 prior to upgrade from 2015. We have now enabled turbo forms now and made a few minor changes to some problematic scripts. One area where I am still having problems though is with web resources within CRM for Outlook. On our quote form we have a custom editable grid for products. On this custom grid we have a + image that when clicked opens up a Product Picker web resource in a new window. In 2015 we used this.opener.parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute to retrieve attribute values from the parent page. In 2016 we now get an error Unable to get property 'parent' of undefined or null reference. In the web client this works fine but not in CRM for Outlook. I have also tried window.top.opener.parent.Xrm with the same outcome.
Has anybody else encountered this issue and if so did you manage to find a solution?
As always my thanks in advance for any assistance anybody is able to provide.