Hi. I have 100 000 records that need to be inserted into CRM. After insert I run workflow for each inserted record.
this is my code:
public static void CallWorkFLow(XrmServiceContext crm, int i, List<My_Data>Client) { var cc = new ClientCredentials(); cc.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "admin"; cc.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "admin"; cc.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = "mydomain"; var service = new OrganizationServiceProxy (ServiceConfigurationFactory.CreateConfiguration<IOrganizationService> (new Uri("myserver/.../Organization.svc")), cc); foreach (var row in Client) { try { ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest(); request.WorkflowId = new Guid("563BDA80-ED5D-4A37-9AC9-3BCF22018D66"); request.EntityId = new Guid(row.new_ClientId.ToString()); ExecuteWorkflowResponse response = (ExecuteWorkflowResponse)service.Execute(request); } catch (Exception ex) { writer.WriteLine("Error: ex.ToString()); } } }
This code work fine until the loop go over the 30 000, after that I get the message:
System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException:Message security verification faild.---> System.InsuffucentMemoryException:Faild to allocate a managed memory buffer of 1869 bytes.
What I need to do to fix this error?